Artículo | 09 Ene, 2017

Enhancing species identification skills of volunteer guides in Sri Lanka

Kanneliya Forest Reserve is nestled within the Kanneliya-Dediyagala-Nakiyadeniya (KDN) forest complex in Southern Sri Lanka. The KDN forest complex was designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2004 and is one of the last large remaining rainforests in Sri Lanka. The Kanneliya Forest Reserve is also identified as one of the floristically richest areas in South Asia.  

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Volunteer Guides with Trainers 

Photo: Annon

While being a major catchment area for the two of the most important rivers in southern Sri Lanka, namely, the Gin and Nilwala Rivers, the Forest Reserve harbors many plants and animal species endemic to Sri Lanka with a degree of floral endemicity of 17 percent of lowland endemic floral species. Some 220 faunal species are recorded from the KDN forests and forests around the KDN including 41 endemic species.  In addition to the bountiful flora and fauna, a stunning waterfall —Anagimala ella— and gently flowing streams add beauty to this forest complex. 

Many local and foreign tourists visit Kanneliya and a team of 19 Volunteer Guides, all from the villages surrounding the forest reserve, provide necessary guidance and assistance to ensure the visits are productive in terms of knowledge enhancement while providing the recreational effects. In order to further strength the quality of guiding, on the request of the volunteer guides, the biodiversity team of IUCN Sri Lanka and a flora specialist conducted a training programme on December 1 and 2 at the Kanneliya Forest Reserve Training Centre of the Forest Department.  

The training included nature interpretation and species identification (flora, birds, mammals, fish, amphibians, butterflies and dragonflies) followed by a visit to the Forest Reserve to practice interpretation and species identification skills.

In addition to the 19 Volunteer Guides, the Regional Forest Officer (RFO) of Kanneliya and four Extension Officers (two from Kanneliya and two from Neluva Regional Forest offices) also attended the programme. The programme was facilitated by the RFO Kanneliya under the supervision of the District Forest Officer of Galle.