Artículo | 23 Ene, 2017

IUCN and Tata Steel Kick Off Phase II of Biodiversity Engagement

IUCN has been working with Tata Steel from 2013 to enhance the company’s performance in terms of biodiversity conservation. Phase I of the engagement focused on developing a corporate biodiversity policy and management plans for Tata Steel’s raw material sites. The engagement has now advanced to Phase II which focuses on implementation of the biodiversity policy and management plans in respective sites.  

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Photo: Vipul Sharma

IUCN organised a workshop at Jamshedpur, Jharkhand on 10th January 2017 to kick off Phase II. The aim of the workshop is to develop a biodiversity action plan for each mining site over the next 5 years. Experts and representatives from environment, planning and CSR participated and provided inputs under the supervion of respective GMs of the mining sites. As a result of the workshop each a list of activites to be carried out over next 5 years in each mining site was developed with endorsement from the respecitve mine’s senior management.

Mr MC Thomas (General Manager, RMSG) Mr Sanjay Rajoria (General Manager, Jharia Group of Collieries) and Mr Pankaj Satija (General Manager, OMQ) with their staff from the different mine sites were present during workshop. Mr PR Sinha, Country Representative and Mr Vipul Sharma, Programme Officer IUCN India facilitated deliberations to shape the final biodiversity action plans for each site.

IUCN and Tata Steel are striving to carve out a pragmatice pathway towards integrate biodiversity conservation into mining operations. This workshop is a step forward in bringing relavent deartments on board for planning and implementation of biodiversity initiatives. Onground implementation has always been a challenge but with the commitment shown by each sites staff it is expected be a fruitful learning journey.