Artículo | 21 Mar, 2017

Introducing IUCN’s Member, Biologists for nature conservation

By reactivating the status of an IUCN member, St. Petersburg charitable public organisation “Biologists for nature conservation” reconnects with the world’s conservation community and main tendencies in the field of environmental protection and management. Being at the source of the news from nature science and conservation projects, it will apply the obtained knowledge in Russia. 

SPb CPO "Biologists for nature conservation" focuses on the research, conservation, public awareness and wise use of nature. It works in close collaboration with state institutions and municipalities, namely exchanging environmental information, providing advisory support, assisting the development of strategies and action plans for conservation of biological diversity, and carries out research and other environmental activities. It delivers a wide range of Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) activities that link science, nature conservation and socio-economic reality. Organisation's mission is to bring efforts of all stakeholders including scientists, decision-makers, civil society and educators together for sustainability of the unique Russian nature. It mainly works in the Baltic Sea region, and focuses its activities on protected areas, conservation of important and vulnerable ecosystems and species, development of environmental education and international cooperation.