Artículo | 31 Mar, 2017

World Water Day celebrated at the Barrett Hodgson University

IUCN COuntry Representative, Mr. Mahmood Akhtar Cheema, was invited as Chief Guest by the Barrett Hodgson University (BHU) on the occasion of the World Water Day on 22nd March 2017 at its Karachi Campus. 

Barrett Hodgson University (BHU), is a project of The Salim Habib Education Foundation established recently in Karachi that offers programs in Biomedical Engineering, Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Information Technology & Computer Sciences and Management Sciences.

In his keynote address, Mr. Cheema gave an overview of the development sector and the sustainable development challenges, while highlighting the critical role IUCN has been playing in ensuring environmental safeguards and nature conservation. “IUCN has been the largest membership based environmental organization having its Headquarters in Switzerland. It has over 1300 states and NGOs as its members and more than 16000 experts as its Commission Members from all over the world,” he explained.  

He referred to how IUCN helped the Ministry of Climate Change prepare Pakistan’s first National Conservation Strategy, and went on to emphasis the importance of such guidelines to ensure sustainable use of natural resources. He spoke about the numerous projects currently underway at IUCN. He stressed on the conservation of water as the water resources of the country are depleting at an alarming rate. He also talked of the best use of the recycled water. He encouraged the participants to set examples on personal levels for conserving water in their daily life.

He appreciated the efforts of the BHU for organizing the World Water Day to raise awareness on the significance and role of water in our lives. He mentioned of the work of IUCN Pakistan in the areas of the Integrated Water Resource Management in the country. He assured full support of IUCN Pakistan in the future environmental activities of the University. Mr. Cheema also had an interview with Vesh TV and the IUCN documentary Love, Not Loss was also screened during the event.

The other prominent speakers of the event were: Dr. Arif Siddiqui, Vice Chancellor, BHU; Dr. Shahid Amjad, Head of Environment & Energy Management Department, College of Business Management; on behalf of Dr. Asif Inam, Director General, National Institute of Oceanography, Dr. Hina Baig made a presentation on the overall works of the National Institute of Oceanography. Dr. Syed Shahid, Professor Department of Environmental Sciences, BHU made a detailed presentation on the environment of Karachi city. 

It was informed by the Vice Chanellor that it was the maiden event of the University since commencement of its activities at the Campus. Dr. Arif Siddiqui, Vice Chancellor, BHU appreciated IUCN Pakistan joining hands with BHU in making this event a great success. He also emphasized on the commitment of the University to reduce and reuse the waste water to help achieve Sustainable Development Goals by developing awareness, informing, engaging and inspiring people in our communities