Artículo 28 Sep, 2018

7 Protected Areas from North Africa Proposed for the Candidate Phase of the Green List

IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation and the World Commission of Protected Areas (WCPA) organised a training for the Green List Expert Assessment Group for the Maghreb countries (EAGL-Maghreb) from September 24 – 26 in Zaghouan, Tunisia.

The twelve members of the EAGL from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia participated in the training, each with a specific background and long standing expertise from national protected areas agencies, universities and NGOs. During the first day of training, representatives from the IUCN French Committee and the International Accreditation Agency introduced the EAGL members to the Green List programme and the process that should be followed to get the sites inscribed on the Green List. The following two days were dedicated to the adaptation of the 48 generic indicators to the regional context in the Maghreb.

This training is an important step to the accreditation of the Maghreb-EAGL members, and represents the starting point of the Green List in the region. Participants highlighted the importance of this programme to strengthen and improve the management effectiveness in the PAs of Maghreb. They recommended to develop a strong communication plan with the national agencies in charge of PA management, as well as the site managers so they can better understand the Green List and support and facilitate its implementation at national level.

So far three countries have proposed seven different candidate sites to the Green List: Theniet El Had National Parc and Habibas Island in Algeria, National Parks of Ifrane and of Toubkal in Morocco and Kuriat islands and the National Parks of Jebel Serj and of El Feija in Tunisia.

This training beneficiated from the financial support of MAVA Foundation, RAC/SPA and WWF-North Africa.

For more information contact: Maher Mahjoub