Artículo | 02 Oct, 2018

IUCN’s European and North and Central Asian Members meet in Prague

IUCN Members from West and East Europe and North and Central Asia as well as representatives from the Secretariat, National Committees and Commissions met in Prague, Czechia, over an intensive two day meeting on 24 and 25 September.

The meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Environment of Czechia, and chaired by IUCN Councillor for East Europe, North and Central Asia Mr Michael Hošek.

More than 30 participants from Member organisations, National Committees and three IUCN-Commissions discussed key Policy issues for the following year, reviewed the Regional Programmes, Governance and Membership issues, and discussed the value of setting up an Interregional Committee collectively serving the interests of Members in both regions and items related to the forthcoming Regional Conservation Forum to be held in 2019.

The thought provoking and brainstorming sessions throughout the two-day meeting led to valuable input and feedback on the direction of the ongoing and future work of the Regional Offices and IUCN as whole.

Participants also had the chance to join an excursion in protected areas near the city of Prague, in the Prokopské and Dalejské údolí nature reserve, an area of particular landscape and geological interest.