Declaración de la dirección | 30 Ene, 2019

Statement by IUCN Director General on the Brumadinho tailings dam collapse in Brazil

IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature,  expresses solidarity with everyone impacted by the Brumadinho tailings dam collapse in Brazil and conveys condolences to families that have lost loved ones. In addition to the inestimable impact of loss of lives and trauma for families with missing relatives, events like this cause severe social disruption and environmental damage, with lasting consequences for the lives of the inhabitants, biodiversity and the economy of the region. IUCN has seen first-hand the long-term effects that disasters such as this one can have.

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"IUCN expresses solidarity with everyone impacted by the Brumadinho tailings dam collapse.”

Photo: (c) IUCN

Furthermore, there are substantial risks in many tailings dams around the world. Proactive management of these sites that are a result of our collective industrial development is essential. It is imperative companies and governments ensure that management and operations of tailings dams prioritise human and environmental safety.

IUCN expresses its condolences and solidarity with the people of Brazil, and joins the voices that call for justice and a robust and transparent investigation covering all aspects of this disaster.