Artículo | 10 Jun, 2019

Global Ecosystem Management Programme wins IUCN “Best Programme” Impact Award

The IUCN Impact Award was launched to showcase the most successful or innovative projects of the year 2018. The award recognised projects that have offered proven solutions, achieved strategically significant change, outcomes and delivered tangible impact for the natural world and people.

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Photo: Pit Wit

The Land Degradation NeutralityTarget Setting Project was among the nine projects that won the 2018 IUCN Impact Award. This GEF-funded project is implemented by IUCN and executed by the Global Mechanism of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. This project has supported 75 countries to formulate and set their national targets for reducing land degradation. The global cost of land degradation has been estimated at US$ 6.3–10.6 trillion, or between US$ 870 and 1,450 per person, per year. This cost is higher than the mean per-capita income in Africa - the most affected continent. The cost of land degradation indirectly affects everyone on earth, but it directly impacts on the lives of 1.4 billion people, most of whom are among the world’s poorest.
For more information, click here.