Artículo | 11 Jul, 2019

Tata Steel India - celebrating World Biodiversity Day under IUCN's "Leaders for Nature" (LfN) programme

CEESP News - by Dr. Hishmi Jamil Husain, CEESP Commission Member, Head of Biodiversity at Tata Steel, which is Member of the IUCN "Leaders for Nature" India.

Dr. Hishmi Jamil Husain commemorated the International Day for Biological Diversity with an awareness session on biodiversity. 

Tata Steel as a responsible business leader both in terms of its status as a leading company in steel making, mining, and manufacturing sector has been actively working with International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) since 2013 to enhance its performance in biodiversity conservation and significantly reducing its impact on ecosystems and biodiversity. It is a member of Leaders for Nature-India.

The company launched its Biodiversity Policy in 2016, providing guidelines for including biodiversity in every strategic and operational decision-making. They align its actions with the National Biodiversity Targets set in 2014 (India level), the Aichi Biodiversity Targets set in 2010 (Global level), and the Sustainable Development Goals, in order to integrate biodiversity into its business ecosystem to enable a better tomorrow for future generations.

Dr. Hismi Jamil Husain commemorated the International Day for Biological Diversity with an awareness session on biodiversity in West Bokaro, Jharkhand, India. The program was attended by officers from various departments of Tata Steel’s West Bokaro Division. The session focused on this year’s theme – Our Biodiversity, Our Food, Our Health and aimed at creating awareness regarding various aspects of biodiversity and means to promote biodiversity in the Division.

Dr. Hishmi Jamil Husain shared Tata Steel’s commitment towards conservation, enhancement and restoration of biodiversity and briefed the audience on various aspects of biodiversity and initiatives taken by Tata Steel towards preservation and promotion of biodiversity in its areas of operation.

Tata Steel Dr. Husain Expert Talk      

Photo: Dr. Hishmi Jamil Husain delivered the expert talk on biodiversity conservation with Ms. Anushree Bhattacharjee, Program Officer, Forest Landscape Restoration, IUCN India.

Mr. Anushree Bhattacharjee briefed the audience on various aspects of forest landscape restoration and the processes involved.

“This session helped in sensitizing all sections of society towards conservation and values of biodiversity by organizing awareness sessions, competitions and other engagement activities. We are reaching out to local communities for strengthening and protecting their traditional knowledge bank on biodiversity. This is a step towards meeting the National Biodiversity targets.”