Embedding Integrated Water Resource Management In Rwanda (EWMR) Project
Proyecto May, 2019 - Jun, 2023

Embedding Integrated Water Resource Management In Rwanda (EWMR) Project

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Visión general y objetivos

Sebeya is one of the degraded catchments in Rwanda due to its steep mountainous landscapes, fragile soils, and intensive use of the land together with poor farming practices. These problems are…
Sebeya is one of the degraded catchments in Rwanda due to its steep mountainous landscapes, fragile soils, and intensive use of the land together with poor farming practices. These problems are exacerbated by climate change, limited economic opportunities, poor access to finance, limited alternative sources of livelihoods and limited access to markets. As a result, local communities depend on subsistence farming which results in increased food insecurity, reduced yields and a reduction of water provisioning services.
To address these issues, IUCN and its Implementing Partners, is piloting a project titled “Landscape Restoration and Integrated Water Resources Management in Sebeya and other Catchments’’ aimed at increased livelihood and conservation benefits from restoration and improved natural resources management, through;
- Reduced land degradation, river sedimentation and flooding;
- Improved incomes and resilience from sustainable use of landscape resources;
- Operational landscape governance and management institutions;
- Evidence-based guidelines on the landscape approach (through knowledge management).
The overall goal of the project is “Improved water catchment management contributing to increased resilience of communities & landscapes to the impacts of climate change and other drivers”. The four…
The overall goal of the project is “Improved water catchment management contributing to increased resilience of communities & landscapes to the impacts of climate change and other drivers”. The four key outcomes of the project are:
- Degraded lands in Sebeya and other Catchments restored;
- Innovative financing mechanisms and value chains, developed and promoted for improved livelihoods and conservation benefits;
- Scaling up catchment and micro-catchment plans to entire Sebeya and to other Catchments; and
- Knowledge management System developed and operationalized for improved & integrated landscape restoration.

Miembros y socios

Intergrated Polytechnic Regional College (IPRC),
Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV),
Rwanda Rural Rehabilitation Initiative (RWARRI),
University of Rwanda,
University of Rwanda

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