Artículo | 18 Mar, 2022

Call for small grants launched by the PPI-OSCAN 3 programme

Associations from Libya, Morocco or Tunisia running projects to support biodiversity conservation are kindly invited to read the rules of this call for projects.

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Photo: aeds soliman

Small for projects in Libya, Morocco or Tunisia

The programme will co-fund environmental projects with up to €30,000 and a minimum €10,000.

Beneficiaries will be Civil Society Organizations working to protect the environment, including NGOs, professional agricultural associations, women's associations, youth associations and their federations, as well as local organizations implementing field activities.

Applications are open to "emerging" CSOs, created after December 31, 2015 and/or those that have not received financial support of more than 25,000 euros during the last three years.

A specific focus will be given to coastal and marine areas, and to wetlands. In addition, projects based inside or next to a protected area or an officially designated area of ​​high ecological value will receive priority.


Deadline for submission of proposals: May 16, 2022

The deadline for submitting proposals is May 16, 2022 at midnight (Madrid time).



(in French and Arabic,.pdf file)

reglement_ppi_3_francaisPhoto: IUCN-Med
reglement_ppi_3_arabePhoto: IUCN-Med


(in French and Arabic, Word file)

fiche_resume_ppi_3_francaisPhoto: IUCN-Med
ficher_resume_ppi_3_arabePhoto: IUCN-Med

Applicant organisations should complete this summary of their project and send by email to:

The third phase of the PPI-OSCAN programme


ppi_logo_3Photo: IUCN-Med

The PPI-OSCAN (Programme of Small Initiatives for Civil Society Organizations in North Africa) aims to strengthen civil society in North Africa by supporting emerging associations wishing to tackle in the new challenges of environment and sustainable development through innovative initiatives in the region.

The programme is funded by the MAVA Foundation. Fonds français pour l'environnement mondial (FFEM) and the Sigrid Rausing Trust.