All our projects cover a wide array of species and regions, and are currently divided into six initiatives: SOS African Wildlife, SOS Central Asia, SOS Lemurs, SOS Gibbons, Lacoste x IUCN Save Our Species and the Fondation Segré Conservation Action Fund.
IUCN Save Our Species
IUCN Save Our Species supports science-based conservation action on the ground that saves animals, plants and fungi from extinction. We focus our efforts where they will have the biggest impact by funding frontline conservation organisations across the world who have unique knowledge of their region and the local biodiversity.
IUCN Save Our Species’ current portfolio is made up of almost 90 projects from all over the world, but our impact is much larger than that:
species protected331
projects worldwide88
countries covered
The alarm has been raised repeatedly about the decline in biodiversity across the planet. As one species falls, it takes with it the whole chain of species that depend on it. Be it tigers or bees, these act as dominos falling one after the other, ultimately leading back to us and putting all of mankind at risk. This is why we must do all we can to Keep Nature Standing.
Find out why we should protect species, what are the most common threats, and what you can do to help.
We never look at species in isolation. All IUCN Save Our Species projects not only aim to protect threatened species, but also to preserve their habitats, and improve the livelihoods of the people who depend on them.
In order to protect threatened species with sustainable, long-term results, all our projects are structured around a three-legged approach to conservation that focuses on Species, Habitat and People:
- Species: We are working to ensure the decline in target threatened species from illegal killing, human wildlife conflict and disease is reduced by 2030 and halted by 2050.
- Habitat: We are working to ensure the loss, fragmentation and degradation of the habitats of target threatened species is reduced by 2030 and halted by 2050.
- People: We are working to ensure the human pressures on target threatened species are reduced by improving the living conditions of local people and providing them with alternative economic activities by 2030.
Discover our impact reports
Click here to read the SOS Lemurs 2017-2023 impact report. The report is also available in French and Malagasy.

Click here to read the SOS Central Asia impact report.

Click here to read the SOS Gibbons 2020-2022 impact report.

Click here to read the SOS African Wildlife initiative summary report, and discover the work we are doing to help protect Species, Habitats and People.