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Implementation of A Food Assistance for Asset Creation Activity Under the Eu Madad Funded Fao-Ifad-Wfp Joint Project

This FLA establishes the framework for the cooperation between WFP and IUCN ROWA for the implementation of output 4 of the FAO-IFAD-WFP joint project entitled: “Enhancing resilient livelihoods and food security of host communities and Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon through the promotion of sustainable agricultural development”, funded by EU-MADAD.



The plan of operations regulates the terms and conditions governing the implementation of forestry and rangeland activities through the Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) creation modality noting that MoA remains the main counterpart with a supervisory and advisory role.

There are three main activities under this FLA which are:

  1. Forestry Activities: establishing new forests in four different locations (Wasfi Al Tal –Balqa, Mastaba and Balila–Jaresh, and Kofer Awan – Irbid), the planting area is 10 hectares in each location include installing a water tank with irrigation network. Furthermore, maintenance activities will be implemented in the selected forests such as (cleaning, trimming, maintain/create water harvesting lines, removal of weeds, etc.).
  2. Rangeland Activities: establishing rangeland areas in four different locations (Bie’eh, Sharif – Karak, Ma’en – Madaba, and Hima – Zarqa), the planting area will be 50, 50, 50, and 30 hectares respectively).
  3. Community Capacity Building Activities: Community engagement activities will be conducted through awareness campaigns and workshops. This will also include training for the communities on assets management, awareness sessions on environmental safeguards, and experience sharing among the communities.

Project implemented by: IUCN ROWA.

Project executed by: IUCN ROWA.

Project funded by: World Food Programme (WFP).



  • 40 hectares of forest area have been prepared to start planting activities in the Balila, Wasfi Al Tal, Mastaba, and Kufuor Awan forests.
  • 20 hectares of forest have been established in the Balila, Wasfi Al Tal, Mastaba, and Kufuor Awan forests.
  • 75 hectares of rangeland areas have been prepared to start planting activities in in Karak, Zarqa and Madaba.
  • 249 short job opportunities have been created.