AFRIPAC: Effective plastic treaty capacity building: Africa and African SIDS

Visión general y objetivos
As the world works toward an international, legally binding instrument on plastics, IUCN and GRID-Arendal, through generous Norad support, are helping empower five African nations´ negotiations for a strong global treaty.
>>> IUCN is calling for consultants to support AFRIPAC work in Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Senegal, and Sao Tome & Principe. See below for details.

Miembros y socios
Gracias a nuestros donantes
Do you have a passion for prom oting sustainable practices and protecting the environment?
IUCN, in collaboration with Grid Arendal, is seeking consultants to support us in delivering Effective Capacity Building for the Global Plastics Treaty in Africa, generously supported by Norad.
We are searching for talented individuals to conduct an analysis of legislative and institutional framework and plastics policy effectiveness assessment for several African countries, including Senegal, Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe, and Cabo Verde.
Our goal is to produce a comprehensive report with actionable strategies for enhancing legislative and institutional frameworks surrounding plastics, while promoting circular economy principles and aligning with global standards for ecological stewardship.
As a consultant, you will utilize various sources and engage with stakeholders such as civil society organizations, government officials, private sector entities, and consumer groups, to gather valuable insights and contribute to the development of policy recommendations.
See the documents below for details of the work and skills required...
[Please, help us share this call and spread this opportunity to anyone in your personal and professional networks who may be qualified!]