Our work
The IUCN Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (IUCN ECARO) was established in 2015 with a view to supporting IUCN constituency and implementing the IUCN Programme in most countries of the IUCN Statutory Region East Europe, North and Central Asia. In an effort to contribute to a more sustainable future for this region, IUCN ECARO focuses its work on good governance, the long-term protection of biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources. The office is based in Belgrade, Serbia, and was initially established as the IUCN Programme Office for South-Eastern Europe (IUCN SEE) in 2004.
Our objective is long-term biodiversity protection and sustainable use of natural resources. We will achieve it by:
- Safeguarding species and building effective protected and conserved areas;
- Assuring effective and equitable governance of natural resources, promoting gender equality and community-based approaches; and
- Demonstrating the benefits of nature and providing guidance related to the implementation of Nature-based Solutions.
Learn more:
- IUCN ECARO brochure
- IUCN ECARO Bi-annual Report 2020-2021
- IUCN ECARO Annual reports (all)
- 2019 Mid-term evaluation report