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Boosting Nexus Framework Implementation in the Mediterranean (BONEX)

BONEX project aims to provide practical and adapted tools, examine concrete and context-adapted technological innovations, enhance policies and governance and facilitate WEFe Nexus practical implementation that balances the social, economic, and ecological trade-offs.

Seven Demonstration Projects (DPs) serve as pilot tests for the development and validation of the WEFe Framework. The purpose of Demonstration Projects is threefold:

  • To enable the iterative refinement of the WEFeF to ensure its replicability.
  • To provide in-depth empirical evidence pertinent to close the gap between WEFe Nexus governance and practice.
  • To illustrate the transdisciplinary development of nexus bridging plans with ranked WEFe Nexus solution approaches and a strategy for their implementation.

The demonstration projects were implemented in Jordan, Morrocco, Italy, Portugal, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia.

IUCN has implemented the Jordan DP in cooperation with the German Jordanian University. The DP is a soilless substrate culture located in Dhiban area within  Wadi Mujib watershed (central Jordan). Wadi Mujib is a watershed of 6,727 km2 with an average rainfall of 135 mm (with high variation depending on the location and topography; from 50 mm to 600 mm). Demonstration activities will deliver a smart agricultural technique characterized by saving water, equipped with solar-powered drip irrigation and fertigation system for improving end-user adoption, market uptake and policy integration of WEFE Nexus in an area that is still at a low level of technology development and sustainable approaches, high poverty rates, and characterized by acute land degradation and very scarce water resources. Additionally, the DP is being managed by a youth cooperative.

BONEX WEFeF implementation will spread awareness and foster dialogue to envision more sustainable value chains. The nexus bridging plan will advocate for the integration of the rural context in the national energy strategy and the expected modification of the electricity market in Jordan. Besides, this project will introduce water-saving technology in agriculture.