IUCN event 10 Dec, 2022

Together we RISE: Addressing gender-based violence in conservation

Gender-based violence prevents women from benefiting from and participating in environmental action. This side event raises attention to IUCN’s leadership on addressing gender-based violence and biodiversity linkages; a strategic action that supports the CBD’s post-2020 draft Gender Plan of Action – the first-ever to address GBV impacts in the environmental sector.

Gender-based violence is rooted in unequal power dynamics and discrimination that prevent women from participating in and benefiting from environmental action. IUCN’s Gender-Based Violence and Environment Linkages Center (GBV-ENV Center) works to address multiple and overlapping forms of gender-based violence in the context of climate change and biodiversity loss. Through knowledge products, trainings, technical support, and starting in 2022 – the management of a the Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Environments (RISE), IUCN is collaborating with partners from around the world to document and challenge unequal power dynamics and build the skills of environmental organisations to build a more equitable, just and sustainable protection of the environment. 

This event, taking place during the global 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-Based Violence, brings together IUCN, the GEF, the Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association (KWCA), WildAct Vietnam and Women4Biodiversity to showcase their work to address gender-based violence in environmental action and its importance in light of the adoption of the post-2020 draft Gender Plan of Action under the Convention for Biological Diversity, which includes addressing gender-based violence as a strategic action.