IUCN’s GEF projects
The development of the portfolio of the IUCN Partnership with GEF is guided by both IUCN priorities for the Partnership with GEF as well as by the GEF Focal Areas. The objective is to have a geographically and thematically balanced project portfolio. However, due to the fact that IUCN joined as GEF project agency only mid 2014 when the GEF-6 programming cycle was already halfway through, this balance has not yet been achieved.
IUCN has established an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) that provides a systematic procedure to check IUCN projects for environmental and social risks. As part of this we like to enable feed-back from external parties by making relevant information about the projects publically available. We hence encourage you to explore our current portfolio of projects below including the ESMS instruments we are using for identifying, avoiding and mitigating environmental and social risks.
Requests for further information on the projects and respective ESMS documentation can be made to [email protected].

Projects in preparation
All IUCN GEF and GCF funded projects follow the IUCN standards to ensure the projects avoid or minimise negative impacts to the extent possible while promoting positive impacts. Details on funding and donor accountability for IUCN projects are in the IUCN Open Project Portal.