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Become an SSC member

Specialist Groups and Task Forces are composed of experts
who volunteer their time to represent and do work on behalf of
the Species Survival Commission (SSC)

The Chairs of the Specialist Groups and Task Forces are the driving force of all SSC groups. They provide leadership, guide the activities of their Group and have responsibility for the overall governance, conduct, administration and activities of their Group.

Membership of a Specialist Group and therefore of SSC is at the invitation of the Chair of a Specialist Group and should you wish to be considered as a member you should contact the relevant Specialist Group Chair.

SSC members resources on the Union Portal

If you are a member of an SSC Specialist Group or Task Force you have access to the Union Portal - a secure password-protected system.  Here you will find the contact details of your fellow members and the latest news posted by IUCN Members, Commission members and staff as well as the minutes and reports of the Steering Committee of SSC.  

If you do not have access to the Union Portal and would like a copy of the minutes of an SSC Steering Committee meeting please contact the SSC Chair's Office team and request a copy.