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SSC Honours and Awards

The IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) is an exceptional network of experts who make their time and considerable talents available through its Specialist Groups and Task Forces. SSC has established an awards system to more publicly recognize and celebrate the extraordinary contributions of its membership.

Realising that the voluntary contributions of these experts often pass with little formal notice, the SSC has established an awards system to more publicly recognise and celebrate the extraordinary contributions of its membership. There are four SSC Awards, which nominations are approved by the SSC Chair and Steering Committee and two distinctions of honour.

The SSC Distinguished Service Members

The Commission Chair may appoint individuals as Distinguished Service Members in recognition of significant service to the Species Survival Commission. Distinguished Services Members are automatically re-appointed in each quadrennium. 

Distinguished Service Members include:

  • Former active Specialist Group, Task Force Working Group Chairs, and Red List Authority Focal Points
  • Former active Steering Committee or Sub-Committee members
  • Long-serving and particularly active Specialist Group, Task Force, Working Group and Red List Authority members
  • Outstanding staff in the Species Programme, SSC Chair’s Office and Specialist Groups

SSC Roll of Honour

The Steering Committee may appoint to the SSC Roll of Honour a small number of highly distinguished people who have played critical roles in the history of the Commission. This honour may be awarded posthumously, and the names of members of the Roll are retained after they have deceased.