Theme on Human Wellbeing & Sustainable Livelihoods
My research focuses on the forms of governance which may align with local communities’ values, perceptions of fairness and minimise tradeoffs ...
The IUCN CEESP Human Wellbeing and Sustainable Livelihoods (HWSL) Theme focuses on the concept of wellbeing to inform improved design and evaluation of conservation and development interventions
Theme on Human Wellbeing & Sustainable Livelihoods
My research focuses on the forms of governance which may align with local communities’ values, perceptions of fairness and minimise tradeoffs between ecosystem management and local wellbeing/resilience, while also understanding the relationships between governance, social equity and conservation effectiveness.
Theme on Human Wellbeing & Sustainable Livelihoods
My research focuses on the forms of governance which may align with local communities’ values, perceptions of fairness and minimise tradeoffs ...
Conservation efforts that recognise Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ (IPLCs) ways of knowing, being and doing, and organise around those values, practices and institutions, are the most effective at conserving nature. The HWSL Theme is a global network of experts exploring and communicating the complexity of Indigenous and local communities’ wellbeing and their role in addressing global biodiversity loss.
When conservation fails to respect Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ ways of knowing, being and doing, considerable harms to local people occur. This represents a persistent gap between, on one hand aspirational social principles about rights and equity in conservation policies and programs, and on the other hand, the ways in which conservation initiatives are most commonly designed and implemented by governments, NGOs and private actors.
For ideas about locally-led conservation to become accepted and to shape mainstream practice requires improved articulation and comprehension of wellbeing, Indigenous and local knowledge systems and their crucial role in conservation. This includes producing novel and robust evidence of the complex links between the wellbeing of IPLCs, governance and effective conservation. between wellbeing and justice, particularly forms of intercultural recognition, to conservation outcomes.
The HWSL Theme comprises a global network of professionals who seek to explore, elaborate and communicate these relationships and their profound implications for conservation policy and practice. Ultimately HWSL aims to provide guidance on how to realise radical changes in the way conservation is designed and implemented globally, particularly how to integrate local values and wellbeing, to enhance justice and intercultural recognition for IPLCs, and in turn enhance the social and ecological outcomes that result.
The overarching goal of The CEESP Theme on Human Wellbeing and Sustainable Livelihoods (HWSL) is to produce or synthesize evidence of just and effective conservation approaches, to highlight instances of injustice, to advance understanding, develop best practice guidance and advocate for progressive change towards more equitable and effective policy and practice.
Specifically we aim to: