News | 15 May, 2023

IUCN Director General honoured by Government of France

In recognition of his commitment to the conservation of nature, IUCN Director General Dr Bruno Oberle has been appointed Chevalier de l'Ordre national de Ia Legion d'Honneur – France’s highest order of merit.

The Legion d'Honneur is awarded by the Président de la République to honour those who have delivered exceptional service for the public good. Dr Oberle receives the honour for more than 40 years’ work at the interface between environmental policy, economic development and social balance, and for overseeing IUCN’s successful efforts to mobilise and support the Union’s State Members in their efforts to adopt the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

Speaking during the presentation ceremony at the Institut Océanographique in Paris ahead of the IUCN-France Partnership meeting, Bérangère Couillard, Secrétaire d’Etat de l’Ecologie said, “It is a great privilege to award you, dear Bruno Oberle, with the highest French honour: the Legion d'Honneur. You have achieved great progress towards the protection of biodiversity and the sustainable and equitable use of natural resources. The ambitious measures in favour of nature that were brought to the top of the international agenda during the IUCN World Conservation Congress held in Marseille in September 2021, with the collaboration of my Ministry, are proof of your determined and enthusiastic leadership.”

Since joining IUCN as Director General in July 2020, Dr Oberle played a key role in the success of the IUCN Congress hosted with the Government of France in Marseille, where IUCN Members adopted the IUCN Programme Nature 2030. The Congress was the first such event to be held in France since the Union's founding General Assembly in Fontainebleau in 1948.

“I am honoured to be receiving this important distinction, and thank you deeply. I have dedicated my professional life to finding the path where society achieves a life of dignity while respecting the planet to which we all belong. On this medal is engraved the motto “honneur et patrie” [honour and country]. In my interpretation of these words, it is an honour to work in the public interest and for the common good. And through all my personal and professional endeavours, I will serve not just my country, but all the countries of the world in the collective effort to build a future in harmony with nature,” said Dr Bruno Oberle, IUCN Director General.

The Government of France joined IUCN as a Framework Partner almost 20 years ago. Under the leadership of Dr Oberle, this partnership has grown from strength to strength with particular collaboration on the governance of biodiversity, Nature-based Solutions, and the management of protected and conserved areas.