Sign up for our Workshop on Policy & Advocacy for Sustainable Fisheries in the Mediterranean
There are still some places available to participate at the two-day workshop on Policy and Advocacy for Mediterranean Sustainable Fisheries and Biodiversity Protection organised by IUCN-Med. We warmly encourage NGOs and CSOs working in the Adriatic, Eastern Mediterranean and Northern African regions to register for this free online workshop.

10:00 - 17:00 (Central European summer time)
9:00 - 16:00 (Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria)
11.00 - 18.00 (Greece, Turkey)
To register, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with a brief description of your interest to participate
Policy & Advocacy for Mediterranean Sustainable Fisheries and Biodiversity Workshop

The workshop is intended to be a fulfilling experience involving plenary sessions and extensive teamwork activities. The workshop will provide you with the knowledge and tools, needed from early-stage problem identification to a solution-based policy brief.
We wil focus on:
• Problem-setting, what and how to advocate, determine target audiences to generate changeand stakeholder analysis to better set the right interactions
• Which aspects of the policy process to engage
• Identify the best use of resources to achieve goals and objectives
• Preparing communication policy briefs
• Creating tools and methods to influence others through clear and well thought out strategies and plans.
This workshop is conducted within the framework of MAVA Partnership Project