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Story 28 Jan, 2021

IUCN Welcomes 38 new Members

 The IUCN Council recently admitted 38 new IUCN Members.  

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Photo: IUCN - Geoffroy Mauvais

The Council, President, Director General and entire Union extend a very warm welcome to the new Members and look forward to their active involvement.

Click on the links below to find out more about these organisations. 


Biosfera, BIOSFERA, Cape Verde     
Organisation Congolaise des Ecologistes et Amis de la Nature, OCEAN, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Community Action for Nature Conservation, CANCO, Kenya       
Watamu Marine, WMA, Kenya
Association méditerranée pour l'environnement et le développement, AMED, Morocco
Conservation Outcomes, CO, South Africa
Zambia Community Based Natural Resources Management Forum, ZCBNRMF, Zambia         

Meso and South America    

Centro Intercultural de Estudios de Desiertos y Océanos A.C, CEDO, Mexico
Ecopil Arte Crea Conciencia A.C., Mexico   
Foundation Amazon Conservation Team Suriname, ACT-S, Suriname    

North America & the Caribbean     

Arcus Foundation, Arcus, United States of America         
Center for Biological Diversity, CBD, United States of America   
Center for Environmental Ethics and Law, CEEL,    United States of America
Conservation Strategy Fund, CSF, United States of America        
George Mason University, Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center, TRACCC, United States of America      
Great Mountain Forest Corporation, GMT, United States of America
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, IGES, United States of America 
Quebec-Labrador Foundation, Inc - U.S., QLF, United States of America
Lifescape International Inc. – SPECIES, United States of America

South and East Asia 

Beijing Sunny Green Environmental Protection Foundation, BSGEPF, China     
Centre for Wildlife Studies, CWS, India
Environmental Resources Foundation, ERF, India 
IORA Ecological Trust, IORA, India
Institute of Constructions and Urban Economics, ICUE, VietNam

West Asia      

International Research Center for Water, Environment, and Energy, IRCWEE, Jordan 
Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund, MBZF, United Arab Emirates

East Europe, North and Central Asia         

The Association of Forest and Land Users of Kyrgyzstan, KAFLU, Kyrgyzstan     
Lovacki Savez Srbije, Serbia

West Europe 

Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, INBO, Belgium 
HUTAN, France    
Réseau des Grands Sites de France, RGSF, France
Fondazione A.R.C.A. Animal Research Conservation in Action, ARCA, Italy
Greenhouse Gas Management Institute, GHGMI-I, Italy 
Regnskogfondet, RFN, Norway
Ouwehand Zoo Foundation, OZF, The Netherlands           
Stichting ARK Natuurontwikkeling, ARK, The Netherlands            
Jamma International, Jamma, United Kingdom
On the EDGE Conservation, OTEC, United Kingdom