Magyar Természetvédok Szovetsége

Members of the Society are represented in all counties of Hungary, striving for the protection of natural heritage and the prevention of environmental degradation. The Society plays an important role in civil environmental movements across Europe and on a global scale – in cooperation with international organizations, especially the Friends of the Earth International network. We are radical in our principles: we wish to draw decision makers’ and citizens’ attention to the drivers of environmental problems, by organizing campaigns, professional events, in depth studies and publications, and targeted lobbying. We do not believe in technical or superficial political solutions, but feel the need to question our current relationship with the environment, and our unsustainable patterns of production and consumption. IN OUR CAMPAIGNS WE PAY SPECIFIC ATTENTION TO • mitigation of the effects of climate change, • integration of sustainability viewpoints into policy-making, • support of GM-free and environmentally friendly agriculture, • take action against damaging infrastructural and industrial investments, • exposing polluting companies and the banks financing them, • environmental education of citizens, especially young people.

Member at a glance

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Magyar Természetvédok Szovetsége
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