Outward Bound International

Outward Bound International (OBI) is the international organization that provides coordination, support and leadership to the diversity of Outward Bound Schools worldwide; Schools that deliver outdoor experiential educational programs to stimulate and inspire personal development, understanding between people and connection to nature. Inspiring connection to nature and a sense of environmental responsibility is a core outcome of all Outward Bound programs, programs that are primarily youth based. Outward Bound, the oldest and largest outdoor experiential education program in the world, is an enduring educational initiative that was established over 80 years ago by educator Kurt Hahn. Hahn developed Outward Bound as an educational innovation, a holistic model of education that provided an alternative to more traditional models of learning. Hahn believed that learning required challenge and that nature teaches us necessity. The cultivation of character through challenging and inspiring outdoor learning sets Outward Bound apart as an educational innovation.

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Outward Bound International
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