Gregory Mueller serves as Negaunee Foundation vice president of science at the Chicago Botanic Garden. Before joining the Garden, Dr Mueller worked for more than 23 years at The Field Museum as the ...
IUCN SSC Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball Specialist Group
Overview and description
Group leadership
Dr Gregory MUELLER
Gregory Mueller serves as Negaunee Foundation vice president of science at the Chicago Botanic Garden. Before joining the Garden, Dr Mueller worked for more than 23 years at The Field Museum as the curator of mycology in the Department of Botany.
I am working at the department of botany and biodiversity research at the university of Vienna. My professional experience is in botany, my main objects of research are fungi. I am doing a lot of barcoding of mushrooms. I am operating citizen science projects on fungi and leading the Austrian Mycological Society. I am involved in macro- and micromycete mapping of Austria, nature protection activities concerning fungi, national and international red listing of mushrooms. I am also active in the gender and general equality group of our university.
I am working at the department of botany and biodiversity research at the university of Vienna. My professional experience is in botany, my main objects of research are fungi. I am doing a lot of ...
More about the Specialist Group
Through the Mushroom, Bracket, and Puffball Specialist Group conservation, we build awareness of fungi and the importance of conserving them, build participation among mycological communities, and greatly increase the number of fungi on national and global Red Lists.
We aim to have fungal conservation efforts developed substantially. There will be broader interest in and understanding of the need for including fungi in conservation discussions and actions. Provide insight into the conservation status of mushrooms and related fungi.
Specialist Group work
Conservation Assessments
Increase the quantity and quality of fungal national Red Lists by providing advice and encouragement for the national Red List committees.
Annual Report
Learn about MBPSG’s work and results in 2023.
Previous reports:
MBPSG Annual Report 2022
MBPSG Annual Report 2021
MBPSG Annual Report 2020
MBPSG Annual Report 2019
MBPSG Annual Report 2018
MBPSG Annual Report 2016-2017