Luigi Boitani is the Chair of the IUCN SSC Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe. Luigi is Professor Emeritus at the University of Rome - Sapienza, where he has been teaching Animal Ecology and ...
IUCN SSC Red List Committee

Overview and description
Group leadership
Prof Luigi BOITANI
Luigi Boitani is the Chair of the IUCN SSC Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe. Luigi is Professor Emeritus at the University of Rome - Sapienza, where he has been teaching Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology for over 30 years and Head of the Department of Animal and Human Biology for 10 years.
More abouth the Red List Committee
The Red List Committee sets the standards of scientific quality for the IUCN SSC’s work on biodiversity assessments, develops guidelines on the application of these standards, ensures that evaluations of petitions against the listing of particular taxa on The IUCN Red List are carried out professionally and impartially, and builds collaboration with other organisations working on biodiversity assessments.
The Red List Committee includes representatives of the Red List Partnership and the IUCN Species Survival Commission, as well as several co-opted members.
The Red List Committee delegates detailed technical work to working groups and task forces with agreed terms of reference. Current groups include: the Red List Technical Working Group, the National Red List Working Group, and the Species Conservation Success Task Force.
Red List Committee work
Provide information and analyses on the status, trends and threats to species in order to inform and catalyse action for biodiversity conservation.
Conservation Assessments
Implement processes for documenting conservation success (‘green listing’).
2022 RLC Annual Report
Learn about RLS work and results in 2022.
Previous Reports:
2020 RLC Annual Report
2019 RLC Annual Report
2018 RLC Annual Report
2016-2017 RLC Annual Report