Since 2002, I am employed at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo & Wildlife Research in Berlin, Germany. My focus is on animal conservation genetics and wildlife forensics. In the 1990s, I started with ...
IUCN SSC Sturgeon Specialist Group

Overview and description
Group leadership
Prof Arne LUDWIG
Since 2002, I am employed at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo & Wildlife Research in Berlin, Germany. My focus is on animal conservation genetics and wildlife forensics. In the 1990s, I started with research on the restoration of sturgeon as well as on methods for sturgeon trade control (e.g. caviar). Both topics are still of great interest for sturgeon conservation. Since 2022, I am the Chair of the IUCN Sturgeon Specialist Group.
Dr Leonardo CONGIU
I work as molecular ecologist at the University of Padova, (Italy). I have been working on sturgeon conservation since 1999, conducting research in population genetics, cytogenetics, species and hybrids identification, stock management and support to ex situ conservation programs. I am member of the World Sturgeon Conservation Society board since 2015. I have been serving as Red List Authority since 2017.
I work as molecular ecologist at the University of Padova, (Italy). I have been working on sturgeon conservation since 1999, conducting research in population genetics, cytogenetics, species and ...
More about the Specialist Group
The SSG collaborates across IUCN freshwater, marine, and terrestrial initiatives and interfaces with professional societies, national governments, and inter-governmental agencies including CITES. The SSG provides unbiased scientific advice to address the threats facing sturgeons and paddlefishes.

A world where the ecological requirements of sturgeons and paddlefishes are taken care of ensuring that their populations survive.
To give advice and expertise for conservation, management, recovery and sustainable use of sturgeon and paddlefish populations worldwide.
Specialist Group work
At present, ending illegal fishing and trade and restoring wild populations and their habitats are primary tasks. The SSG will work on all of these fronts in the arenas of science, trade monitoring, and restoration and rebuilding, as well as policy initiatives through CITES and other mechanisms.
Conservation Assessments
To inform conservation efforts, SSG assesses species for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
In 2019, The Red List assessment update for North American species was published.
Annual Report
Learn about SSG’s work and results in 2023.
Previous reports:
2022 SSG Annual Report
2021 SSG Annual Report
2020 SSG Annual Report
2019 SSG Annual Report
2018 SSG Annual Report
2016-2017 SSG Annual Report