More about the Specialist Group
The WPSG aims to ensure that all species of wild pig have viable populations and that the most threatened species are saved from extinction. This will be achieved by following an integrated approach to managing wild and captive populations. A cornerstone for this is the knowledge of the taxonomy and distribution of species. We do not exclude any species from essential research and monitoring, as it is well known that even common species can become threatened without anybody realising. Evidence-based conservation activities include the management of threats, such as the resolution of conflicts with people or disease risk assessments and management of African Swine Fever.
We believe that pigs are important for the ecological balance of ecosystems. For humans, pigs play a role in food security and local livelihoods. Loss of species could affect fragile ecological communities, depriving threatened predators of a vital food source and pushing them further toward the edge of extinction.
The WPSG brings together experts from all over the world. The group stimulates and conducts research, surveys and monitoring activities, enables accurate assessments of the conservation status of species, drives conservation actions forward and informs important decision-makers such as the government. Collaborations and the exchange of knowledge and experience mean we create synergies and together achieve a greater impact on the conservation of threatened wild pig species.