Relevant publications
All the WCPA best practice and other guidance documents are relevant to capacity development. These include the following specific guidance on training.
- Global Register of Competences for Protected Area Practitioners: A comprehensive directory of and user guide to the skills, knowledge and personal qualities required by managers, staff and stewards of protected and other conserved areas, Compiled by Mike Appleton, 2016
- Protected Area Staff Training: Guidelines for Planning and Management Kopylova, S.L. and Danilina, N.R. (Editors), (2011) Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. xiv + 102 pp.
- ‘Capacity development’, Müller, E., Appleton, M. R., Ricci, G., Valverde, A. and Reynolds, D. (2015), in Protected Area Governance and Management, G. L. Worboys, M. Lockwood, A. Kothari, S. Feary and I. Pulsford (eds) pp. 251–290, ANU Press, Canberra.