
Information brief
There is general consensus that biodiversity loss and climate change are twin crises requiring integrated, comprehensive and holistic approaches… The creation of new Protected areas (PAs), the…

This publication presents 18 case studies to demonstrate how Protected Areas (PAs) can be better managed for disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA). The chapters vary from…

This publication synthesizes information on IUCN's work in this domain, particularly highlighting programmatic work in projects at local and national level, implemented by IUCN's Global thematic and…
Protected Areas and Climate Change Information Note for UNFCCC COP 26 (Nov. 202…
Protected Areas and Climate Change Briefing Paper for UNFCCC COP25 (Dec 2019)
Adapting to Climate Change: Guidance for protected area mangers and planners
Natural solutions: protected areas helping people cope with climate change
Role of Protected Areas in Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Disaster R…
Marine Protected Areas: Building Resilience to Climate Impacts. Infographic
REDPARQUES declaration on protected areas and climate change: infographic
Protected Areas are Natural Solutions to Climate Change (video)
Ensuring co-benefits for Biodiversity, Climate Change and Sustainable Developme…
Climate Change and Biodiversity Facebook Page
Natural Climate Solutions: Enhancing Canada’s Climate Change Ambitions
North American Protected Areas as Natural Solutions to Climate Change
Technical note 8: Role of Protected Areas in Climate Change Mitigation and Biod…