About our work
Argentina is one of the countries with the largest number of ecoregions in the world, which are home to a great diversity of species. One of the main objectives of the CSS-ARG is to identify species conservation priorities in Argentina and Latin America through the use of consistent and globally recognised tools. It seeks to establish a centralised species survival team based at Fundación Temaikèn that works in partnership with the SSC networks and in collaboration with national and regional stakeholders such as government agencies, IUCN national and regional committees, conservation NGOs and universities.
CSS-ARG combines experience, resources and programs to enhance the actions of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. It generates more capacity to assess - plan - act for species survival. The CSS-ARG focuses mainly on 3 lines of action:
Education and Training
The CSS ARG also seeks to be able to be a reference for these methodologies for other actors in the region, facilitating training and advice on the subject. It seeks to generate spaces for interaction with government agencies and other actors that are participants in these flagship projects and endangered species so that they can be inserted into this methodology.
Flagship species
Identification and selection of flagship species to implement methodologies and monitor projects. Our pilot species are the Yellow Cardinal (Gubernatrix cristata) and Endemic Flora of Teyú Cuaré Cerrado.
Ex-situ conservation
- Plan to position the ex situ conservation strategy according to the IUCN guidelines 2021-2025.
- Identify what are the ex-situ actions that are being carried out in the species.
- Socialize the degree of progress of the ex-situ component of conservation projects with species of importance to the region.
- Promote a space for technical construction to identify needs and future ex situ actions for these species.
- Contribute to the integrated conservation approach.
- Promote intersectoral and multidisciplinary participation meetings with government agencies and other civil society organizations.