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Caucasus Environmental NGO Network

CENN - Caucasus Environmental NGO Network - is a non-governmental, regional organization established in 1998 and specialized in the fields of civil society development and institutional strengthening, environmental research and policy, resources management, compliance management and communication and environment. Since its establishment, CENN has worked at the local, national and regional levels in the Caucasus region. CENN believes in networking and cooperation in the context of environmental issues. We have already a serious record of joint activities and projects implemented regionally, where all three South Caucasus countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia - participated equally to find the solutions to local and regional environmental problems. With 5 offices throughout the South Caucasus region and 30 full time staff members, CENN has the capability, experience and commitment to providing a service that is consistent, professional and of the highest quality. CENN has around 10 years experience in delivering modern solutions for public and business sectors as well as communities, assisting them in managing their environmental and related risks and helping them to achieve competitive advantage through improved environmental and social performance. Work with communities and business to develop sustainable solutions to existing challenges • Be innovative and pro-active to respond to global environmental concerns • Provide open and effective multi-stakeholder networking • Be the strongest regional organization in the Caucasus Our services • Civil society building • Advising • Consulting