
Legambiente (League for the Environment) is the most widespread environmental organization in Italy, with 20 Regional branches and more than 115,000 members. It is acknowledged as “association of environmental interest” by the Ministry of the Environment; it represents the UNEP National Committee for Italy, it is one of the leading member of EEB (“European Environmental Bureau”) the Federation of European environmental organization, and of IUCN - the World Conservation Union. The headquarter is in Rome, with a staff made up of fifty professionals and experts on different fields of activity. The processes of globalization which we have been confronted with in the past years have led to the inevitable consequence that an association as is Legambiente, traditionally involved in campaigns, in fighting and taking action with regard to issues on Italian territory, had to draw attention to and towards a more global and international dimension. The issues developed from Seattle, examined in the Forum of Porto Alegre, Genoa and Florence have in fact represented a turning point from which those associations whose ambitions are creating a better world for everyone, must confront themselves with. Unless, that is, they accept being relegated to offering shire witness. Legambiente therefore participates actively to the movement that involves many hundreds of NGOs around the world, having different priorities but following pacific, non violent and democratic methods. Associations which operate in the fields of international cooperation, of environmental protection, of the valorization of citizen’s rights, of the full recognition of the dignity of labor, that promote alternative and fairer economic models, forms of multiethnic coexistence and intercultural exchange, of peace commitment and fight against injustices. Thus Legambiente had decided to enforce and invest on the international field, and has decided in the past year on creating an International Department,

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