New Millennium Women Empowerment Organization

NMWEO is an indigenous, non-governmental, non-profit making humanitarian organization established in 23rd February, 2007 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Currently NMWEO has been re-registered according to the civil Society Organizations Proclamation No.113/2019 with a registration No. 0539. Based on this NMWEO has revised its mission and Mission. NMWEO has been implementing various projects in the regional States of the country. NMWEO has implemented projects and achieved remarkable results in improving the lives of women and the community. The projects were focusing on economic empowerment for Marginalized women, access for Education to OVCs, HIV/AIDS prevention and control, Health, Rural Agriculture and Environmental protection and rehabilitation. The organization has so far implemented various projects addressing poor and marginal women, disadvantaged girls and OVCs and other projects in different parts of the country.

Member at a glance

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New Millennium Women Empowerment Organization
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