North-East Affected Area Development Society

North-East Affected Area Development Society (NEADS) is a grassroot organisation working with poor people in their struggle against humanitarian crisis, exploitation & poverty in Assam of north-eastern region of India. The interventions of NEADS include humanitarian response & advocacy, disaster risk reduction, climate change, human rights and sustainable development. NEADS is committed to address issues of poverty and social exclusion, engaged in empowering the indigenious communities on their rights and encourage them to participate in the process of development. NEADS is a recognized global member of Start Network. In Asia & the Pacific, NEADS is the member organisation of Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN), Asian Disaster Reduction & Response Network (ADRRN), Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism and Asia Pacific Network of Environment Defenders (APNED). In the year 2019-20, NEADS was granted as the organisation with special consultative status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). NEADS is also affiliated as member organisation of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)

Member at a glance

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North-East Affected Area Development Society
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