Oiseaux Migrateurs du Palearctique Occidental

The purpose of OMPO is to be the European Institute of reference on sustainable use of the natural resources that are migratory birds and their habitats. OMPOs’ priority species are game species of interest to our hunting organizations and endangered species. OMPO brings its contribution via an ecosystemic approach, i.e. considering species in their habitats. Among game species, are studied: waterbirds, doves and the Turdidae. Rather than creating a structure where management fees outweigh the credits granted to actions, OMPO aims at coordinating existing research institutions and working on common grounds; thus, works are already published or in progress with the Russian Academy of Sciences or the Institute of Ecology of Lithuania. In order to ensure governance that is transparent and that takes into account both, the demand of the hunting community and the necessary exigency the scientific work requires, OMPO is organized into three levels: - A committee of experts to determine the issues on which it is necessary to work on. This committee is composed of hunting engineers having a scientific and technical experience - A European scientific council that reviews scientific research projects and validates the results - A board of Directors that guides the action of OMPO. This BoD gathers the representatives of national and of the major European hunting organizations. OMPO works closely with FACE, IUCN, Wetlands International, AEWA, ….in order to make the most of the results obtained. WHO? OMPO, Migratory Birds of the Western Palearctic, is a Non-Governmental organization under French Law with international focus created in 1984. Its area of intervention covers that of the AEWA, Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds on 118 countries, spread from Siberia to southern Africa. The purpose of OMPO is to contribute to a better understanding of Palearctic migratory birds and their habitats across their overall distri

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Oiseaux Migrateurs du Palearctique Occidental
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