Strengthening Participatory Organization

Since its transformation from a bilateral development project of the governments of Pakistan and Canada to a national not-for-profit organization in 1994, registered under the Companies Ordinance 1984; Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO) has grown into a leading Pakistani rights-based civil society organization in terms of its countrywide presence and outreach. SPO’s mission is ‘to strengthen and support community organizations and public interest institutions for achieving and protecting basic human rights, with a particular focus on women, girls, youth, children and minorities. SPO’s flagship program officially referred to as ‘Citizens Voice and Accountability Program’, being implemented in over 55 districts, 2 Tribal Agencies of FATA, and 4 Frontier Regions (FRs), deals with matters related to human rights, democracy and good governance, justice, peace and harmony, and strengthening of public institutions; both, at policy as well as implementation levels.

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Strengthening Participatory Organization
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