Verband der Zoologischen Gaerten (VdZ)

Verband der Zoologischen Gaerten (VdZ) based in Berlin is the leading association of scientifically managed zoos in German speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). VdZ was founded in 1887, thus it is the oldest Zoo-association in the world, that supported the foundation of the World Association of Zoos and Auqariums (WAZA). VdZ currently has 71 member zoos in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Spain. According to the EU Zoodirective (Council Directive 1999/22/EC) and related national laws all VdZ member zoos and thus VdZ need to support species conservation, education of our visitors and science including in nature conservation and species. VdZ is collaborating with governmental, political and nongovernmental institutions and organisations including on nature conservation, education and science.

Member at a glance

Member name:
Verband der Zoologischen Gaerten (VdZ)
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