IUCN ROWA Committees
Committees are created in order to harmonize actions of our members toward environment. The committee is ruled by the members and not by IUCN. IUCN provides technical assistance and expertise. This is a forum of discussion and meeting on environmental issues. The committee establishes orientations on environmental issues among members. In the ROWA region, committees are involved at both regional and national level.
Regional Committee
IUCN Regional Committee for West Asia
The first elections of the Committee board were organized during the 6th Regional conservation forum held in Tehran - Iran from 22 to 25 May 2007. The committee is composed by a member of each WAME region state plus one representative of Palestine and two from Pakistan due to its rich network of members. Recently established, the West Asia Committee is designing a chart to delineate its activities.
National Committees
National committees are established among countries with a membership superior to five organizations. The constitution of these groups fosters linkages between civil society members. It aims to emphasize cooperation on environmental stakes. Three commissions are actually working in the West Asia region:
- The IUCN national committee of Jordan
- The IUCN national committee of Lebanon
- The IUCN national committee of Kuwait
- The IUCN national committee of Palestine
- The IUCN national committee of United Arab Emirates