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ENACT: Enhancing Nature-based Solutions for an Accelerated Climate Transformation

The ENACT Partnership works to accelerate collective global efforts to address climate change, land and ecosystem degradation, and biodiversity loss through Nature-based Solutions (NbS).

It does so by providing a hub for Parties and non-state actors working on NbS to collaborate and build support across the Rio Conventions through a collective voice for evidence-based policy on NbS. The Partnership was launched at the Sharm el-Sheikh UNFCCC COP27 by the Egyptian COP Presidency in collaboration with the Government of Germany and IUCN. IUCN hosts ENACT's secretariat, which leads the implementation of the Partnership.

At an official side event at the Sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 16), the ENACT Partnership launched its 2024 Nature-based Solutions Discussion Paper. The Paper highlights the most recent scientific evidence on the effectiveness of NbS actions and recommends clear, action-linked policy proposals to support NbS through and across the Rio Conventions.

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ENACT's NbS Goals

  • Enhanced protection and resilience of at least 1 billion vulnerable people (including at least 500 million women and girls). 
  • Up to 2.4 billion hectares of ecosystem integrity secured through protection of 45 million ha, sustainable management of 2 billion ha, and restoration of 350 million ha. 
  • Significantly increased global mitigation efforts through protecting, conserving, and restoring carbon-rich terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems.
Dense urban area abuts forest
Ocean Image Bank - Srikanth Mannepuri


ENACT’s Outputs 

Annual Nature-based Solutions Report 

  • The inaugural report, State of ENACT NbS Goals Report, was launched at the 6th session of the United Nations Environment Assembly. The report details a baseline of current knowledge on the ENACT NbS Goals. It highlights ENACT partners’ success in applying NbS to key ENACT NbS workstreams. Workstreams are aligned with Marrakesh Partnership Resilience Pathways and Sharm El Sheikh Adaptation Agenda to leverage NbS as a key means to accelerate transformation across the impact systems through enhanced collaboration. 

Partnership Building 

  • ENACT strengthens collaboration between existing partnerships and initiatives working on different areas of NbS. The strengthened collaboration is bringing coherence to the implementation of NbS. ENACT Partners have the opportunity to showcase and share their NbS commitments & progress, contribute to the State of NbS Report, and access technical support from specialized communities of practice. 

Global Communications  

  • The ENACT Dashboard will be launched to track progress on the ENACT NbS Goals for adaptation, mitigation, and biodiversity. 
  • The Partnership produces guidance on action toward achieving ENACT’s NbS Goals coordinated through the networks of practice on key NbS workstreams.
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As part of the official side events of the 6th session of the United Nations Environment Assembly, the ENACT Partnership launched its inaugural report. The report – State of ENACT NbS Goals Report: Year One Roadmap - details a baseline of current knowledge on the ENACT NbS Goals and highlights ENACT partners’ success in applying NbS to key ENACT NbS workstreams.

ENACT-ing a Billion

The ENACT-ing a Billion campaign accelerates progress toward the ENACT NbS Goals through three objectives:

1) increases policy coherence to integrate action on climate change, biodiversity, and land degradation;

2) provides strategic co-finance to enhance integration of climate and biodiversity objectives in existing funding mechanisms; and

3) grows the global knowledge capacity on implementing integrated action on climate and biodiversity objectives through sector-specific guidance.

Under the co-chairmanship of Egypt and Germany, the following states have joined ENACT:

Canada, European Commission, France, Japan, Malawi, Norway, Republic of Korea, Slovenia, Belgium, Pakistan, Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United States of America and the Republic of Peru.

Additionally, the following organisations have joined:

UN Climate Change High-Level ChampionsUnited Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).

To express interest in joining the Partnership, all stakeholders are invited to fill in this Registration Form. For further inquiries and interested potential partners, please contact the COP27 Presidency and IUCN at the following email addresses: [email protected] and [email protected]