Food and agricultural systems are complex, interconnected, and heavily influenced by unpredictable factors such as weather, conflicts and crises such as Covid-19. To effect change in these systems, we must pull on multiple levers of change at the same time. We group our work into three types of change – change on the ground in landscapes and value chains; change in the enabling environment where policies and governance systems are key; and change in knowledge and capacity, using IUCN’s unrivalled scientific resources to build the capacity for change across the food system.
is centred on our work supporting landscape level multi-stakeholder processes to co-design and implement initiatives and solutions contributing to sustainable and nature-positive multifunctional agricultural landscapes. This includes taking a landscape approach to transforming agricultural systems, ensuring the voices of farmers, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities are heard, and that corporates and financial institutions are appropriately engaged.
is achieved by convening and facilitating multi-stakeholder dialogues and platforms and advocating for and facilitating the development and implementation of the governance systems, policies and action plans that result. This work is performed at all geographic scale (landscape, national, regional and global) and includes facilitating the alignment of public and private investments towards supportive policies and action plans. Promoting what we call “common ground dialogues” is a key focus of our work, as through dialogue we discover our common objectives around Nature and build consensus and convergence between the food and agricultural systems and conservation communities. Equally important is strengthening the capacity of producers’ organizations, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ organizations to be heard and advocate for their needs in the transition to sustainable agriculture and food systems in regional and global policy fora.
IUCN develops and disseminates effective knowledge products, evidence, guidance, metrics and tools, targeting different stakeholders from the food and agricultural systems and conservation communities delivering capacity strengthening on their use. All of these are meant to support these stakeholders in their decision making from policy to investment to project development, towards achieving sustainable food and agricultural systems.
Instead of trying to understand agriculture in its own terms, acknowledge that agriculture ultimately comes out of nature.
Right now agriculture is the No. 1 threat to biodiversity on the planet.