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Reuse and Refill Solutions: Opportunities to end Plastic Pollution  (EPPIC information webinar slide presentation)

Welcome to the first in a series of webinars by the End Plastic Pollution International Collaborative (EPPIC), held 22 March, 2024.

Reuse and Refill: RETURNS (slide from info-webinars by the End Plastic Pollution International Collaborative (EPPIC))
VYTAL Global GmbH







For more information, download the webinar slide presentation!

The aim of the information session was to facilitate discussions of reuse and refill in the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution by:

  •    Consolidating knowledge of reuse and refill.
  •    Creating dialogues between governments and experts on reuse and refill.

The session targeted

  • Governments
  • Policymakers
  • SMEs
  • Plastics and packaging industry representatives
  • Financial institutions
  • Local communities looking to understand how to implement change in plastics usage and waste.


Overview of the session


  1. How can reuse and refill reduce plastic pollution?
  2. What are reuse systems and what is needed to lift barriers?
  3. What role can a legally binding instrument play by encouraging reuse and refill solutions?


Webinar Agenda



  • Andrew Clark, Chief for Chemicals, United States Department of State, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Air Quality and Waste Division.


Setting the Scene – A view from Brazil on Refill and Reuse (8 min)

  • Adalberto Maluf, National Secretary for Urban Environment and Environmental Quality, The Government of Brazil, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change.


Reuse and Refill concepts, applications and examples (20 min)

  • Marta Longhurst, Ellen MacArthur Foundation,
  • Jose Manuel Moller, Algramo,
  • Dr Tim Breker, Vytal.


Lessons Learned from Reuse and implications (13 min)

  • Willemijn Peeters, CEO and Founder, Searious Business


Where is Reuse showing up in the negotiations for a treaty on plastic pollution? (7 min)

  • Dr Alexandra Harrington, Chair of Plastic Pollution Task Force, IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law.


Questions and Answers (30 min)


Summary of discussions (5 min)

  • Andrew Clark