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Connecting the Dots 2: Calling for a work programme to establish priorities for synergistic climate and biodiversity action

Many parties and civil society representatives are gearing up for their second COP in the space of a month!

At the biodiversity COP16 in Cali, Colombia, significant progress was made on the need to address the nature and climate crises in tandem. The need to enhance cooperation between the Rio Conventions reflected the Global Stocktake’s emphasis on protecting biodiversity, halting and reversing deforestation and forest degradation, and aligning with the CBD’s Global Biodiversity Framework. The CBD called for new cooperative work streams between the CBD and the UNFCCC, and invited Parties to submit views on achieving greater coherence between policy approaches, including a potential Joint Work Programme of the Rio Conventions. Negotiators in Baku now need to build on this momentum through decisions taken at COP29.