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Position paper

IUCN Position Paper for CBD COP15 on support mechanisms

The adoption of the framework will need to be supported by strong mechanisms. IUCN provides recommendations on the mainstreaming of biodiversity, mechanisms for planning, monitoring, reporting and review, and on capacity-building, technical and scientific cooperation, knowledge management, among other things.

Gender Plan of Action

  • IUCN supports and encourages Parties to adopt the gender plan of action which reinforces and promotes the implementation of a gender-responsive post 2020 global biodiversity framework (GBF).

Development of a new programme of work and institutional arrangements on Article 8(j) and other provisions of the Convention related to indigenous peoples and local communities

  • IUCN highlights the importance of a new Programme of Work on Article 8(j) and its recognition as a crucial support mechanism for the implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
  • IUCN recommends the consideration of a permanent, open-ended, and inclusive IPLCs body, which could play a strategic role and provide high-level advice on relevant issues through analysis, appropriate policy recommendations and options, in order support implementation of the Article 8(j) and related provisions.

Resource mobilization and the financial mechanism

  • IUCN encourages Parties to adopt the resource mobilization strategy at COP15 and avoid delays in its implementation.
  • IUCN welcomes proposed requests for improved financial reporting frameworks on biodiversity impacts of biodiversity-related expenditures of public and private financial institutions.

Capacity-building, technical and scientific cooperation, knowledge management and communication

  • IUCN invites Parties to consider ways to operationalize the long-term strategic framework such as by establishing milestones and targets to guide the capacity development efforts in relation to the post-2020 GBF.
  • IUCN proposes that the specific reference to PANORAMA is maintained in the decision as a desirable example of an existing and successful initiative that will support implementation through knowledge generation, management and sharing.

Mechanisms for planning, monitoring, reporting and review

  • IUCN recommends that the draft decision provides the details for operationalizing the responsibility and transparency mechanism of the post-2020 GBF.
  • IUCN fully supports the establishment of a global biodiversity stocktake to assess progress in implementation and to enhance ambition and adjust execution as needed to achieve the targets and goals of the post-2020 GBF.
  • IUCN emphasizes the importance of documenting contributions towards the GBF from non-State actors for consideration by Parties and inclusion into formal reporting processes.

Mainstreaming of biodiversity within and across sectors

  • IUCN urges Parties to adopt, implement and promote the Long-Term Strategic Approach to Mainstreaming (LTAM) and the associated action plan and targets, but notes that the draft decision could benefit from identifying the specific 2030 targets to which the LTAM would be contributing to, in order to incentivize its implementation as a contribution to the GBF.
  • In relation to mainstreaming guidance, tools, and good practice cases mentioned in the LTAM, IUCN brings to the attention of the Parties the methodology and knowledge products of the BIODEV2030 project.