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Position paper

IUCN Position Paper for CBD SBSTTA25

IUCN presents views and recommendations for different SBSTTA25 agenda items. Overall, it is imperative to finalize the outstanding items from COP15 to support Parties and relevant stakeholders in the immediate implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).

Summary of Key Messages

Facilitating the implementation of the GBF and the monitoring of its progress

  • Consistency with indicators used in other international processes, especially the SDG monitoring framework, remains extremely important to reduce national reporting burdens and avoid duplication of efforts.
  • Contributions of non-State actors must be considered in the global review of collective progress. The IUCN Contributions for Nature Platform can be an important information source in this respect.
  • For the programmes of work to play an important role in guiding the implementation of the targets of the GBF, IUCN recommends that if updated, the programmes of work establish clear objectives, aligned with the GBF, include concrete activities, updated timelines, and periodic revisions of progress.

Findings from the assessments by IPBES and the IPCC and their implications for the work undertaken under the Convention

  • IUCN invites Parties to consider the findings of these assessments across all relevant agenda items.
  • IUCN also urges Parties to integrate the findings of these assessments in their national implementation processes, as appropriate, and suggests that the Executive Secretary collaborates with IPBES and other relevant organisations in enabling the uptake of the findings of the assessments in decision-making.

Invasive alien species

  • IUCN reiterates its continued support to the work of the Inter-Agency Liaison Group on invasive alien species (IAS) towards the implementation of Target 6, including in developing capacity-building materials to address the technical and scientific needs of Parties.
  • IUCN recommends that assessments on the impacts for all the 3,500 known invasive alien species recognised by the IPBES Assessment are undertaken and completed, using the Environmental Impact Classification of Alien Taxa (EICAT), in order to provide Parties with detailed information to support the prioritisation of IAS as requested in Target 6.

Biodiversity and climate change

  • IUCN stresses the importance of considering climate change beyond Targets 8 and 11 to achieve the GBF. Existing and projected impacts of climate change on biodiversity should be taken into account when implementing all targets.
  • Nature-based solutions must not be used either as a substitute for or as a means to postpone ambitious GHG emission reduction efforts that science tells us are required today.
  • IUCN invites Parties to use the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions to enable the coherent design, execution and evaluation of nature-based solutions.



As a leading provider of biodiversity knowledge, tools and standards that help conservation planning, IUCN will participate from 15-19 October 2023 in the 25th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice of the CBD (SBSTTA25), in Nairobi, continuing with its engagement with the CBD process to advance the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
