The transformation of food and agricultural systems is a critical nexus issue. New systems of food and agricultural production are urgently needed to replace current business-as-usual scenarios, not only to safeguard biodiversity but also food security and nutrition, land health…
Carleton was decades ahead of the times. Today we pursue his concepts repackaged in different terminology.
"We must avoid the careless and tragic exploitation of the sea which we have not avoided in the case of the land...Some of the richest areas should be set aside...…
African Solutions for Nature and People: Creating transformative responses to the biodiversity and climate crisis in Africa.
The launch of Building Resilience of Coastal Ecological and Social Systems of Pakistan project, funded by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation took place on September 1, 2023 in Karachi. The inception event drew representation from the government line departments, coastal agencies, Pakistan…
Experts Underscore Need for more Marine Protected Areas in Pakistan The 22nd meeting of the National Coordinating Body (NCB) of the coast was organized by IUCN Pakistan to discuss issues and depleting coastal resources, especially in the wake of climatic impacts, calling for the need to create…
Addressing ecosystem management means addressing complex systems. For this IUCN deploys a variety of tools and strategies, addresses information gaps and capacity needs in terms of sustainable management, and tackles conservation and restoration of ecosystems with the aim of achieving…
The extractives, energy and infrastructure sectors have a significant impact on biodiversity and ecosystems worldwide. In addition to land and sea-use changes, these activities are also important contributors to climate change and pollution.
Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), also referred to as Nature-based Solutions for Adaptation, involves a wide range of ecosystem management activities, such as the sustainable management of forests, grasslands, and wetlands, that increase the resilience and reduce the vulnerability of people…
The United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) challenges everyone to massively scale up restoration efforts that breathe new life into our degraded ecosystems. Restoring our planet’s imperilled ecosystems intrinsically connects us with a chance at a healthier future. We will…
Assessing ecosystems is essential component of priority setting, action and monitoring, and helps to understand ecosystem trends, showcase its importance to society, and prioritize action.
Indeed, ecosystems are critically important components of Earth’s biological diversity and as the…