The Western Balkans is facing increasingly severe climate change impacts, including rising temperatures, extreme weather events, floods, droughts, and forest fires. These climate challenges not only threaten biodiversity but also jeopardize the livelihoods, health, and well-being of local…
IUCN will be online and onsite at World Water Week in Stockholm, 25-29 August, organising official events, participating in others, and attending even more. We look forward to seeing you there or online, and welcome your participation and outreach.
See below for events…
Montreal, Canada, 8 December 2022 (IUCN) - Twenty million jobs could be created by further harnessing the power of nature to address major challenges facing society, such as climate change, disaster risk, and food and water insecurity.
The IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology is a comprehensive classification framework for Earth’s ecosystems that integrates their functional and compositional features. This new typology helps identify the ecosystems that are most critical…
The BIODEV2030 project, launched in early 2020 supports the country's development ambition, while promoting the adoption of voluntary sectoral commitments that incorporate ambitious biodiversity conservation and restoration measures.
IUCN welcomes with relief and gratitude the negotiated decisions on fishing subsidies made yesterday by the world’s Trade Ministers at the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) MC12 Trade Ministers’ forum.
RECONECT, a 5-year EU project implementing Nature-based Solutions to reduce water-related climate risks, held its 7th general assembly in Zurich from 23 to 25 May 2022.
Feeding a growing population and combatting climate change whilst protecting the environment are key challenges for our future. Sustainability will need to be at the core of economic growth strategies in every country. In Mozambique, the launch of SUSTAIN Pro marks the start of a 10-…
Aquaculture production has very significantly increased in tonnage and value over the last decades. It is seen as a potential solution to replace the declining wild fishery stocks. This publication is a first attempt to examine aquaculture systems within the recent framework of the IUCN Global…