Carleton was decades ahead of the times. Today we pursue his concepts repackaged in different terminology.
"We must avoid the careless and tragic exploitation of the sea which we have not avoided in the case of the land...Some of the richest areas should be set aside...…
African Solutions for Nature and People: Creating transformative responses to the biodiversity and climate crisis in Africa.
The PANORAMA initiative proudly unveils its revamped web platform, designed to foster streamlined knowledge discovery, enhance inclusivity, and deepen peer connectivity. The relaunch supports the initiative’s mission to document and promote replicable solutions across diverse…
Animals, fungi and plants are essential to a healthy planet, but growing pressures from human activities are increasingly putting them at risk of extinction. Understanding the health of the world’s biodiversity is essential to inform and guide conservation action. IUCN is at the forefront of the…
Freshwaters are among the most valuable ecosystems on the planet for their biodiversity and importance to livelihoods. Yet the freshwater realm is under threat, with its species declining faster than those on land and in the oceans. IUCN is working to raise the profile of freshwater…
All coastal and marine ecosystems are critical to human well-being and global biodiversity. Mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrass beds are examples of these. But urban and rural infrastructure investments are having a heavy negative impact on these systems, and it is…
The papers in this volume were, with a few exceptions, presented at the third Island Invasives conference, held in Dundee, Scotland in July 2017. The papers demonstrate up-scaling in several aspects of eradication operations – not least in ambition, land area, operational size, global…
Along with over 18,000 participants from 180 countries representing government institutions, national agencies, academia and research, private sector, students, and plastic sector actors, IUCN joined the Sustainable Blue…
Research offers guidance on making mangrove conservation investments more sustainable and impactful
‘Invasive species’ (often called pests, weeds and diseases) are plants, animals, disease agents and other organisms taken beyond their natural range by people, deliberately or unintentionally, and which become destructive to the environment or human livelihoods. Islands are particularly…